Reclaim your


The Life Freedom Method® gives you the courage to take control, choose and change your life without burning out on the treadmill of “life”

This is for busy leaders of life, CEOs, CFOs, looking for a process that allows them the freedom to live the successful, aligned life they desire without living the life someone else told them to.

Reclaim your FREEDOM

The Life Freedom Method® gives you the courage to take control, choose and change your life without burning out on the treadmill of “life”

This is for busy leaders of life, CEOs, CFOs, looking for a process that allows them the freedom to live the successful, aligned life they desire without living the life someone else told them to.

Are you looking around for the escape hatch?

Are you running around like a superhero,

although much tattier around the edges than the real deal?

Are you...

Being the solution to everyone's problem; 
juggling the meeting schedules, emails, deadlines

with lunch boxes, school runs, the piles of washing and living off pretty crap quick food that you know will need to change before you need to buy the next size up…again?

Are you pretty terrified that at some point you are going to make a major cock up of some sort, tell your boss to shove it or end up letting everyone down? 

Burnout right now seems like a nice holiday, right? But on you go as you know that everyone relies on you.

As you reheat another ready meal and pour yourself another large glass of wine (you are not kidding anyone that it's a part of your 5 a day), you are thinking, “I just want to get off this ride for a breather!”

We have the emergency smash box!

If you’ve got the hammer (will and determination).

Are you looking around for the escape hatch?

Are you running around like a superhero,

although much tattier around the edges than the real deal?

Being the solution to everyone's problem; 

juggling the meeting schedules, emails, deadlines with lunch boxes, school runs, the piles of washing and living off pretty crap quick food that you know will need to change before you need to buy the next size up…again?

Are you pretty terrified that at some point you are going to make a major cock up of some sort, tell your boss to shove it or end up letting everyone down? 

Burnout right now seems like a nice holiday, right? But on you go as you know that everyone relies on you.

As you reheat another ready meal and pour yourself another large glass of wine (you are not kidding anyone that it's a part of your 5 a day), you are thinking, I just want to get off this ride for a breather!”

We have the emergency smash box!

If you’ve got the hammer (will and determination).

The Life Freedom Method® offers a proven process

for individuals from any walk of life that are living life in a way that really is not working for them to a life that really does.

Whether that is...

  • leading a business

  • leading a family

  • wearing all of the hats of responsibility

  • having no time for yourself, and

  • probably not being as healthy as you would like

whilst life is happening to you.

The Life Freedom Method® offers a proven process

for individuals from any walk of life that are living life in a way that really is not working for them to a life that really does.

Whether that is...

  • leading a business

  • leading a family

  • wearing all of the hats of responsibility

  • and having no time for yourself, and

  • probably not being as healthy as you would like

whilst life is happening to you.

You are a passenger when you know your life is better as the driver.

To others, your life may look amazing.

Your mask however is firmly in place. You think that the mask could slip at any time yet you believe that there is no other way.

The Life Freedom Method® will show you that you can take back control of the wheel;

You can move beyond...

  • pain and restriction;

  • overwhelm and overwork;

  • Feeling unhealthy

  • and deep down, feeling unhappy

to a feeling of overall...

  • wellbeing

  • purpose

  • joy

  • clarity; and

  • control.

Our fully supported process allow you the...

  • space and freedom

  • support and guidance

  • education,

  • accountability,

  • access to expert knowledge

  • empowerment

to give you the life and purpose that you wish you could have.

How do we know?

Because we have been exactly where you are.

You are a passenger when you know your life is better as the driver.

To others, your life may look amazing.

Your mask however is firmly in place. You think that the mask could slip at any time yet you believe that there is no other way.

The Life Freedom Method® will show you that you can take back control of the wheel;

You can move beyond...

  • pain and restriction;

  • overwhelm and overwork;

  • Feeling unhealthy

  • and deep down, feeling unhappy

to a feeling of overall...

  • wellbeing

  • purpose

  • joy

  • clarity; and

  • control.

Our fully supported process allow you the...

  • space and freedom

  • support and guidance

  • education,

  • accountability,

  • access to expert knowledge

  • empowerment

to give you the life and purpose that you wish you could have.

How do we know?

Because we have been exactly where you are.

The Life Freedom Method® was borne through Jules Kelly’s journey to wellbeing

after being “that” leader, living with the chronic health condition, Fibromyalgia for twelve years. She ignored the warnings and the signs until she couldn’t ignore them any more.

She went from complete breakdown and burnout to creating a whole new dynamic life, using her corporate experience and learnings, she reassessed; retrained in a new field that brought her joy and freedom and the life that she never imagined would be possible to her. She has never looked back.

Co-founder Claire Morton had a similar experience.

Having worked in the world of corporate training and personal development for 20 years, she became the mum that was snapping at the children, whilst pouring a glass of wine and working throughout dinner and their bedtime, for far too long. She was talking the talk but wasn’t practicing what she preached. This had profound affects on all aspects of her life.

Together, Claire & Jules are passionate about helping others live the life that they choose.

They will give you their hand whilst you climb off the treadmill whilst you catch your breath and create a new way.

The Life Freedom Method® was borne through Jules Kelly’s journey to wellbeing

after being “that” leader, living with the chronic health condition, Fibromyalgia for twelve years. She ignored the warnings and the signs until she couldn’t ignore them any more.

She went from complete breakdown and burnout to creating a whole new dynamic life, using her corporate experience and learnings, she reassessed; retrained in a new field that brought her joy and freedom and the life that she never imagined would be possible to her. She has never looked back.

Co-founder Claire Morton had a similar experience.

Having worked in the world of corporate training and personal development for 20 years, she became the mum that was snapping at the children, whilst pouring a glass of wine and working throughout dinner and their bedtime, for far too long. She was talking the talk but wasn’t practicing what she preached. This had profound affects on all aspects of her life.

Together, Claire & Jules are passionate about helping others live the life that they choose.

They will give you their hand whilst you climb off the treadmill whilst you catch your breath and create a new way.

What does it look like?

The system is so good that it has been through pilot clinical trials with  outstanding results in taking people from being classified as disabled to no longer meeting that criteria.

It all starts with a full VIP Day

Where you unload everything that is going on for you so that we can help you create some more energetic space to just stop and breathe.

We work with you to find out where you want life to go and what life looks like for you in your ideal world.

We then create a supported framework to deliver the solution and we will guide you through that process to help you reach your goals.

Our process covers health and wellbeing; beliefs; mindset; purpose; strategy and support and is tailored to your unique blueprint. We will show you how to live your life in the most aligned way by helping you understand foundational strengths, potential blind spots, and how to grow through a new level of understanding.

During the 12 weeks

You will have weekly calls for coaching, accountability and support.

You will be introduced to a range of cutting-edge modalities, including Belief Coding®, meditation, aromatherapy, and Human Design®. As part of the programme, we may provide nutritional support and supplement options and offer aromatherapy support for any physical or emotional needs.

And, rest assured, our expert support will be available to you via WhatsApp during office hours throughout the duration of the programme.

At the end of the 12 weeks

You will look back in wonder of how you ever lived the way you had for so long.

Our Life Freedom Method® has demonstrated that with strong will and determination, along with aligned and supported action that you are able to create a strong foundation for the rest of your life that allows you to be in control. You can have it all without burnout if you choose.

If you’re ready to create real change in your life, our Life Freedom Method® program will provide you with the direction, guidance, and support you need.

Don’t settle for a mediocre life. Make the choice to transform your life today through our Life Freedom Method® program.

What does it look like?

The system is so good that it has been through pilot clinical trials with  outstanding results in taking people from being classified as disabled to no longer meeting that criteria.

It all starts with a full VIP Day

Where you unload everything that is going on for you so that we can help you create some more energetic space to just stop and breathe.

We work with you to find out where you want life to go and what life looks like for you in your ideal world.

We then create a supported framework to deliver the solution and we will guide you through that process to help you reach your goals.

Our process covers health and wellbeing; beliefs; mindset; purpose; strategy and support and is tailored to your unique blueprint. We will show you how to live your life in the most aligned way by helping you understand foundational strengths, potential blind spots, and how to grow through a new level of understanding.

During the 12 weeks

You will have weekly calls for coaching, accountability and support.

You will be introduced to a range of cutting-edge modalities, including Belief Coding®, meditation, aromatherapy, and Human Design®. As part of the programme, we may provide nutritional support and supplement options and offer aromatherapy support for any physical or emotional needs.

And, rest assured, our expert support will be available to you via WhatsApp during office hours throughout the duration of the programme.

At the end of the 12 weeks

You will look back in wonder of how you ever lived the way you had for so long.

Our Life Freedom Method® has demonstrated that with strong will and determination, along with aligned and supported action that you are able to create a strong foundation for the rest of your life that allows you to be in control. You can have it all without burnout if you choose.

If you’re ready to create real change in your life, our Life Freedom Method® program will provide you with the direction, guidance, and support you need.

Don’t settle for a mediocre life. Make the choice to transform your life today through our Life Freedom Method® program.

The Life Freedom Method® Pillars

The Life Freedom Method® has far reaching applicability as it encompasses life holistically.



You may have a million things going on in your head all of the time. This can be overwhelming and we understand this.

Within that head is great wisdom and we will help you to create clarity and the techniques to allow you to work with your brilliance beyond our working relationship.



You might have all of the ideas and all of the will, yet absolutely no clue how to make any of it a reality.

That’s is okay! You may not be designed to do that naturally.

We can help you create the route, systems and structures to help you create your reality.


Speak your Truth

You may have so much to say and so much to release yet you may feel like you can’t do this easily.

You may have a burning desire to vocalise how you feel or have your message heard, yet something is holding you back.

We can help you release any barriers in a safe trauma informed way and show you how your are designed to communicate at your best.


Who am I?

Life Experience has showed us that we can lose the person that we thought we were.

Some of us never really understand who we are and what we are here for. Many people come to us and ask us if we can find that person. Together we can discover the person that you were always supposed to be and help you embrace your soul purpose.



We can help you to navigate what is holding you back.

Fear can be a huge barrier that can keep us safe or keep us small and stopping us from living our best life.

This is linked to our beliefs. Beliefs can be changed. We can support you to release any fears to make room for growth in all areas of your life. We will help you find your vitality and tap in to your intuition.


Your Joy

Do you make sure that your life is FULL of stuff that lights you up? No? Then we will help you change that!

Life is for living in joy! You may not know what you want to do. You may feel stuck.

Get ready to become unstuck. We are here for all of it. We will help you find your joy, passion and purpose and then help you create the plan to soak it all over your life


Pressure or Motivation

Its a fine line!

Do you often need some sort of push to get things started? Do you feel like you need a rocket to launch you in to action.

Do you worry that you are running out of time. Do you feel like you are having to hustle all of the time. If the answer is yes, we can help you work with this.



We believe that Wellness and Health = Wealth (Wealth is subjective for each of us.)

If you are expending more energy than your body is getting support for you will burn out. You will get sick. We have been there and got the T-shirt in all the colours. We created The Life Freedom Method® to support this whole area. With trauma informed leadership and coaching practices and other holistic modalities we work with you on creating balance and removing pain.

The Life Freedom

Method® Pillars

The Life Freedom Method® has far reaching applicability as it encompasses life holistically.



You may have a million things going on in your head all of the time. This can be overwhelming and we understand this.

Within that head is great wisdom and we will help you to create clarity and the techniques to allow you to work with your brilliance beyond our working relationship.



You might have all of the ideas and all of the will, yet absolutely no clue how to make any of it a reality.

That’s is okay! You may not be designed to do that naturally.

We can help you create the route, systems and structures to help you create your reality.


Speak your Truth

You may have so much to say and so much to release yet you may feel like you can’t do this easily.

You may have a burning desire to vocalise how you feel or have your message heard, yet something is holding you back.

We can help you release any barriers in a trauma informed and safe way and show you how your are designed to communicate at your best.


Who am I?

Life Experience has showed us that we can lose the person that we thought we were.

Some of us never really understand who we are and what we are here for. Many people come to us and ask us if we can find that person. Together we can discover the person that you were always supposed to be and help you embrace your soul purpose.



We can help you to navigate what is holding you back.

Fear can be a huge barrier that can keep us safe or keep us small and stopping us from living our best life.

This is linked to our beliefs. Beliefs can be changed. We can support you to release any fears to make room for growth in all areas of your life. We will help you find your vitality and tap in to your intuition.


Your Joy

Do you make sure that your life is FULL of stuff that lights you up? No? Then we will help you change that!

Life is for living in joy! You may not know what you want to do. You may feel stuck.

Get ready to become unstuck. We are here for all of it. We will help you find your joy, passion and purpose and then help you create the plan to soak it all over your life


Pressure or Motivation

Its a fine line!

Do you often need some sort of push to get things started? Do you feel like you need a rocket to launch you in to action.

Do you worry that you are running out of time. Do you feel like you are having to hustle all of the time. If the answer is yes, we can help you work with this.



We believe that Wellness and Health = Wealth (Wealth is subjective for each of us.)

If you are expending more energy than your body is getting support for you will burn out. You will get sick. We have been there and got the T-shirt in all the colours. We created The Life Freedom Method® to support this whole area. With trauma informed leadership and coaching practices and other holistic modalities we work with you on creating balance and removing pain.

Experience the Life Freedom Method® and take control now

Choose from the options below or send an email to [email protected] for a custom package.




payable over 3 months at

£1000 per month

Pay in full at £2,750

with a saving of £250

Monthly 90 minute call or in person

Trauma informed coaching, therapy call or in person session to provide accountability and support with the modalities that you require.

Direct Access to Claire & Jules

Ongoing Whattsapp support for check in and accountability during office hours for the duration of the 12-weeks.

Space and Freedom® by Design Personal Report

You will receive a full 60+ page Human design report to support the transformation process.

Modern Meditation for Busy People Programme

You will be have the 14-day programme for learning and cultivating your meditation practice. This award winning programme will be yours to use beyond the 12 - weeks.

Online Coaching Modules

You will be provided with online coaching modules to support the learning and education of new rituals and to support intentional steps towards your holistic wellbeing




payable over 3 months at

£2000 per month

Pay in full at £5,500

with a saving of £500

Full VIP Discovery Day

where we will dig deep into your needs, purpose and intentions for the twelve weeks. This will allow us to create the route map and plan the content for your unique 3 month journey to the place that you are seeking.

Bi-weekly Calls/in person

for trauma informed coaching and therapy, accountability and support with the the modalities you require. 7 sessions in total including the VIP Day.

Direct Access to Claire & Jules

You will have access to us via whattsapp during office hours throughout the duration of the programme for real time support

Introduction to Several Modalities

You will be introduced to several modalities, including Belief Coding®, Perception Alchemy®, meditation, aromatherapy and Human Design®

Space and Freedom® by Design Personal Report

You will receive a full 60+ page Human design report to support the transformation process that we will work closely with the find the most aligned way of working with you.

✔ Modern Meditation for Busy People Programme

You will be have the 14-day programme for learning and cultivating. your meditation practice. This award winning programme will be yours to use beyond the 12 - weeks.

Online Coaching Modules

You will be provided with online coaching modules to support the learning and education of new rituals and to support intentional steps towards your holistic wellbeing

Nutritional supplementation support

You may be provided with nutritional supplementation support (If required) for the duration of the programme which will include twelve-months wholesale membership with the provider. You will also be offered aromatherapy support for any physical or emotional support.




payable over 3 months at

£4,000 per month

Pay in full at £10,999.

with a saving of £1001

Full VIP Discovery Day

where we will dig deep into your needs, purpose and intentions for the twelve weeks. This will allow us to create the route map and plan the content for your unique 3 month journey to the place that you are seeking.

Weekly Calls/in person session

for trauma informed coaching and therapy, accountability and support with the modalities you require. 13 sessions in total including the VIP Day.

Direct Access to Claire & Jules

You will have access to us via whattsapp during office hours throughout the duration of the programme for real time support

Introduction to Several Modalities

You will be introduced to several modalities, including Belief Coding®, Perception Alchemy®, meditation, aromatherapy and Human Design®

Space and Freedom® by Design Personal Report

You will receive a full 60+ page Human design report to support the transformation process that we will work closely with the find the most aligned way of working with you.

Modern Meditation for Busy People Programme

You will be have the 14-day programme for learning and cultivating. your meditation practice. This award winning programme will be yours to use beyond the 12 - weeks.

Online Coaching Modules

You will be provided with online coaching modules to support the learning and education of new rituals and to support intentional steps towards your holistic wellbeing

Nutritional supplementation support

You may be provided with nutritional supplementation support (If required) for the duration of the programme which will include twelve-months wholesale membership with the provider. You will also be offered aromatherapy support for any physical or emotional support.

Experience the Life Freedom Method®
and take control now

Choose from the options below or send an email to [email protected] for a custom package.




Payable up front or payable over 3 months at £1000 per month

Pay in full at £2,750

with a saving of £250

Monthly 90 minute call or in person

Trauma informed coaching, therapy call or in person session to provide accountability and support with the modalities that you require. 4 calls in total as we will also have an onboarding call to start with

Direct Access to Claire & Jules

Ongoing Whattsapp support for check in and accountability during office hours for the duration of the 12-weeks.

Space and Freedom® by Design Personal Report

You will receive a full 60+ page Human design report to support the transformation process.

Modern Meditation for Busy People Programme

You will be have the 14-day programme for learning and cultivating your meditation practice. This award winning programme will be yours to use beyond the 12 - weeks.

Online Coaching Modules

You will be provided with online coaching modules to support the learning and education of new rituals and to support intentional steps towards your holistic wellbeing




if paid in full or payable over 3 months at

£2000 per month

Pay in full at £5,550

with a saving of £500

Full VIP Discovery Day

where we will dig deep into your needs, purpose and intentions for the twelve weeks. This will allow us to create the route map and plan the content for your unique 3 month journey to the place that you are seeking.

Bi-weekly Calls

for coaching, accountability and support.

Direct Access to Claire & Jules

You will have real toe access to us via whattsapp during office hours throughout the duration of the programme for accountability and support.

Introduction to Several Modalities

You will be introduced to several modalities, including Belief Coding®, Perception Alchemy®, meditation, aromatherapy and Human Design®

Space and Freedom® by Design Personal Report

You will receive a full 60+ page Human design report to support the transformation process that we will work closely with the find the most aligned way of working with you.

Modern Meditation for Busy People Programme

You will be have the 14-day programme for learning and cultivating your meditation practice. This award winning programme will be yours to use beyond the 12 - weeks.

Online Coaching Modules

You will be provided with online coaching modules to support the learning and education of new rituals and to support intentional steps towards your holistic wellbeing

Nutritional supplementation support

You may be provided with nutritional supplementation support (If required) for the duration of the programme which will include twelve-months wholesale membership with the provider. You will also be offered aromatherapy support for any physical or emotional support.




if paid in full or payable over 3 months at

£4000 per month

Pay in full at £10,999

with a saving of £1001

Full VIP Discovery Day

where we will dig deep into your needs, purpose and intentions for the twelve weeks. This will allow us to create the route map and plan the content for your unique 3 month journey to the place that you are seeking.

Weekly Calls

for trauma informed coaching and therapy, accountability and support with the the modalities you require. 13 sessions in total including the VIP Day.

Direct Access to Claire & Jules

You will have real time access to us via whattsapp during office hours throughout the duration of the programme for accountability and support.

Introduction to Several Modalities

You will be introduced to several modalities, including Belief Coding®, Perception Alchemy®, meditation, aromatherapy and Human Design®

Space and Freedom® by Design Personal Report

You will receive a full 60+ page Human design report to support the transformation process that we will work closely with the find the most aligned way of working with you.

Modern Meditation for Busy People Programme

You will be have the 14-day programme for learning and cultivating your meditation practice. This award winning programme will be yours to use beyond the 12 - weeks.

Online Coaching Modules

You will be provided with online coaching modules to support the learning and education of new rituals and to support intentional steps towards your holistic wellbeing

Nutritional supplementation support

You may be provided with nutritional supplementation support (If required) for the duration of the programme which will include twelve-months wholesale membership with the provider. You will also be offered aromatherapy support for any physical or emotional support.

Success Stories

Empowerment and Embodiment on a whole other level!

What I took away from this amazing experience 💖 💫 ✨ 🌟 Collective energy like no other I have experienced.Filled with so much love and support. No judgement, ego, hierarchy or status. Everyone bonded and we all fit together to make one fabulous masterpiece of brilliance 💕.

🌟 Learning took place each day even when we didn't even realise. We were able to showcase and embrace our uniqueness. Human Design was naturally integrated in our conversations as we embrace this with so much love and acceptance for who we are and who we are meant to be.

🌟The flexibility and integration of preferred/nurturing learning environments was like nothing I have experienced before 🌟I feel like I have even more clarity regarding my identity and my place in this world.

I am unique and special s is this experience.

I am more than happy to talk to anyone that may be considering the next 12-months with these two powerhouses.

I don't want this to end!


I’m a Father of 3, a Husband, a Police Officer and have lived with Fibromyalgia for 4 years.

I was diagnosed after 18 months of hospital tests in July of 2021 and this all began (or seemed to) with abdominal pain, that lead to weakness in my arms, wrists & hands,

I have seen counsellor’s, had physio and been to the Police Treatment Centre in Harrogate.

Running the Fibromyalgia Support Group across the different forces, I met Jules at the Fibromyalgia awareness day that I had arranged and jumped at the chance of being involved in the trial.

3 months ago I could hardly wake up in the morning. When I did I was unable to open my fingers without my wife massaging my hands. i was in constant pain, tired, depressed and I’d had enough.

Working with Jules has been great. Understanding that much of my condition was due to trapped emotion and trauma has opened my eyes to a new way of thinking. I now have a much better quality of life with 95% less discomfort and have the tools to continue helping myself and others.

I can’t wait to help others to feel the way that I do now.

Mike Denton

Success Stories

Reclaim your FREEDOM

Three months ago I was a broken woman. I was in pain, I was drinking way too much, had demons from trauma, was tired, grumpy and did not see much change.

Then, Jules Kelly came into my life and turned my world around.

Today Mike and I had our final healing session in our fibro trial before our final tests on Tuesday and I feel like I’ve been given another chance at life.


I’ve cut down on drinking HUGELY to the point where I cannot cope when I do drink. 😂

I’ve been introduced to and am now a Wellness Advocate of doTERRA oils.

I can cure my own trauma, my own pain.

My confidence is through the roof.

I am bloody fantastic.

I am Charmaine f@%#ing O’Reilly and the world had better watch out because HERE I COME.

Charmaine O'Reilly

I’m a Father of 3, a Husband, a Police Officer and have lived with Fibromyalgia for 4 years.

I was diagnosed after 18 months of hospital tests in July of 2021 and this all began (or seemed to) with abdominal pain, that lead to weakness in my arms, wrists & hands,

I have seen counsellor’s, had physio and been to the Police Treatment Centre in Harrogate.

Running the Fibromyalgia Support Group across the different forces, I met Jules at the Fibromyalgia awareness day that I had arranged and jumped at the chance of being involved in the trial.

3 months ago I could hardly wake up in the morning. When I did I was unable to open my fingers without my wife massaging my hands. i was in constant pain, tired, depressed and I’d had enough.

Working with Jules has been great. Understanding that much of my condition was due to trapped emotion and trauma has opened my eyes to a new way of thinking. I now have a much better quality of life with 95% less discomfort and have the tools to continue helping myself and others.

I can’t wait to help others to feel the way that I do now.

Mike Denton

© 2024 Space and Freedom - All Rights Reserved

© 2024 Space and Freedom - All Rights Reserved