Reclaim your


The Life Freedom Method® gives you the courage to take control, choose and change your life without burning out on the treadmill of “life”

This is for busy leaders of life, CEOs, CFOs, looking for a scientifically proven and tangible process with hands on support that allows you the freedom to live the successful, aligned life you desire without living the life someone else told you to.

Reclaim your FREEDOM

The Life Freedom Method® gives you the courage to take control, choose and change your life without burning out on the treadmill of “life”

This is for busy leaders of life, CEOs, CFOs, looking for a scientifically proven and tangible process with hands on support that allows you the freedom to live the successful, aligned life you desire without living the life someone else told you to.

The Life Freedom Method® Gold Programme

Is for you if you are looking for hands on support, direction, accountability and coaching over a 12-week period.

You will get

  • 1 strategy call to map out what you want to achieve during our time together. This will help us to define how and which modalities we will use with you during our time together to support you in achieving your goals.

  • 2 x 90 minute bespoke coaching and accountability, sessions each month.

  • 1 Full 60 plus page "The Book of You" to help support your development, self awareness and expansion journey.

  • Direct access to both Claire & Jules via Whattsapp Monday - Friday office hours for support throughout the 12-week programme

  • Life time access to the Award winning Modern Meditation for Busy People Meditation Programme

  • You will be assessed for Nutritional Supplementation and they will be provided for you.

  • You will be provided with online coaching modules to support the learning and education of new rituals and to support intentional steps towards your holistic wellbeing

The Life Freedom Method® Gold

Is for you if you are looking for hands on support, direction, accountability and coaching over a 12-week period.

You will receive:

  • 1 strategy call to map out what you want to achieve during our time together. This will help us to define how and which modalities we will use with you during our time together to support you in achieving your goals.

  • 2 x 90 minute bespoke coaching and accountability, sessions each month.

  • 1 Full 60 plus page "The Book of You" to help support your development, self awareness and expansion journey.

  • Direct access to both Claire & Jules via Whattsapp Monday - Friday office hours for support throughout the 12-week programme

  • Life time access to the Award winning Modern Meditation for Busy People Meditation Programme

  • You will be assessed for Nutritional Supplementation and they will be provided for you.

  • You will be provided with online coaching modules to support the learning and education of new rituals and to support intentional steps towards your holistic wellbeing

The Life Freedom Method® was borne through Jules Kelly’s journey to wellbeing

after being “that” leader, living with the chronic health condition, Fibromyalgia for twelve years. She ignored the warnings and the signs until she couldn’t ignore them any more.

She went from complete breakdown and burnout to creating a whole new dynamic life, using her corporate experience and learnings, she reassessed; retrained in a new field that brought her joy and freedom and the life that she never imagined would be possible to her. She has never looked back.

Co-founder Claire Morton had a similar experience.

Having worked in the world of corporate training and personal development for 20 years, she became the mum that was snapping at the children, whilst pouring a glass of wine and working throughout dinner and their bedtime, for far too long. She was talking the talk but wasn’t practicing what she preached. This had profound affects on all aspects of her life.

Together, Claire & Jules are passionate about helping others live the life that they choose.

They will give you their hand whilst you climb off the treadmill whilst you catch your breath and create a new way.

The Life Freedom Method® was borne through Jules Kelly’s journey to wellbeing

after being “that” leader, living with the chronic health condition, Fibromyalgia for twelve years. She ignored the warnings and the signs until she couldn’t ignore them any more.

She went from complete breakdown and burnout to creating a whole new dynamic life, using her corporate experience and learnings, she reassessed; retrained in a new field that brought her joy and freedom and the life that she never imagined would be possible to her. She has never looked back.

Co-founder Claire Morton had a similar experience.

Having worked in the world of corporate training and personal development for 20 years, she became the mum that was snapping at the children, whilst pouring a glass of wine and working throughout dinner and their bedtime, for far too long. She was talking the talk but wasn’t practicing what she preached. This had profound affects on all aspects of her life.

Together, Claire & Jules are passionate about helping others live the life that they choose.

They will give you their hand whilst you climb off the treadmill whilst you catch your breath and create a new way.

Success Stories

Reclaim your FREEDOM

Three months ago I was a broken woman. I was in pain, I was drinking way too much, had demons from trauma, was tired, grumpy and did not see much change.

Then, Jules Kelly came into my life and turned my world around.

Today Mike and I had our final healing session in our fibro trial before our final tests on Tuesday and I feel like I’ve been given another chance at life.


I’ve cut down on drinking HUGELY to the point where I cannot cope when I do drink. 😂

I’ve been introduced to and am now a Wellness Advocate of doTERRA oils.

I can cure my own trauma, my own pain.

My confidence is through the roof.

I am bloody fantastic.

I am Charmaine f@%#ing O’Reilly and the world had better watch out because HERE I COME.

Charmaine O'Reilly

I’m a Father of 3, a Husband, a Police Officer and have lived with Fibromyalgia for 4 years.

I was diagnosed after 18 months of hospital tests in July of 2021 and this all began (or seemed to) with abdominal pain, that lead to weakness in my arms, wrists & hands,

I have seen counsellor’s, had physio and been to the Police Treatment Centre in Harrogate.

Running the Fibromyalgia Support Group across the different forces, I met Jules at the Fibromyalgia awareness day that I had arranged and jumped at the chance of being involved in the trial.

3 months ago I could hardly wake up in the morning. When I did I was unable to open my fingers without my wife massaging my hands. i was in constant pain, tired, depressed and I’d had enough.

Working with Jules has been great. Understanding that much of my condition was due to trapped emotion and trauma has opened my eyes to a new way of thinking. I now have a much better quality of life with 95% less discomfort and have the tools to continue helping myself and others.

I can’t wait to help others to feel the way that I do now.

Mike Denton

Success Stories

Reclaim your FREEDOM

Three months ago I was a broken woman. I was in pain, I was drinking way too much, had demons from trauma, was tired, grumpy and did not see much change.

Then, Jules Kelly came into my life and turned my world around.

Today Mike and I had our final healing session in our fibro trial before our final tests on Tuesday and I feel like I’ve been given another chance at life.


I’ve cut down on drinking HUGELY to the point where I cannot cope when I do drink. 😂

I’ve been introduced to and am now a Wellness Advocate of doTERRA oils.

I can cure my own trauma, my own pain.

My confidence is through the roof.

I am bloody fantastic.

I am Charmaine f@%#ing O’Reilly and the world had better watch out because HERE I COME.

Charmaine O'Reilly

I’m a Father of 3, a Husband, a Police Officer and have lived with Fibromyalgia for 4 years.

I was diagnosed after 18 months of hospital tests in July of 2021 and this all began (or seemed to) with abdominal pain, that lead to weakness in my arms, wrists & hands,

I have seen counsellor’s, had physio and been to the Police Treatment Centre in Harrogate.

Running the Fibromyalgia Support Group across the different forces, I met Jules at the Fibromyalgia awareness day that I had arranged and jumped at the chance of being involved in the trial.

3 months ago I could hardly wake up in the morning. When I did I was unable to open my fingers without my wife massaging my hands. i was in constant pain, tired, depressed and I’d had enough.

Working with Jules has been great. Understanding that much of my condition was due to trapped emotion and trauma has opened my eyes to a new way of thinking. I now have a much better quality of life with 95% less discomfort and have the tools to continue helping myself and others.

I can’t wait to help others to feel the way that I do now.

Mike Denton

© 2024 Space and Freedom - All Rights Reserved

© 2024 Space and Freedom - All Rights Reserved