Embody your Unique



Embody your Unique



Did you know that you are an absolute one-off!?

Aubrey Marcus says it so well..

“You are comprised of 84 minerals, 23 elements, and 8 gallons of water spread across 38 trillion cells.

You are recycled butterflies, plants, rocks, streams, firewood, wolf fur, sharks teeth, broken down to their smallest parts and rebuilt in to our planet’s most complex living thing with a set of instructions hidden in a double helix and small enough to be carried by a sperm.”

Did you know that you are an absolute one-off!?

Aubrey Marcus says it so well..

“You are comprised of 84 minerals, 23 elements, and 8 gallons of water spread across 38 trillion cells.

You are recycled butterflies, plants, rocks, streams, firewood, wolf fur, sharks teeth, broken down to their smallest parts and rebuilt in to our planet’s most complex living thing with a set of instructions hidden in a double helix and small enough to be carried by a sperm.”

You are so special! Completely different to absolutely every single person on this planet.

We are so glad that you have found this page as we will lead you on a magical journey of self discovery like no one else on the planet, because we too are extra special and we do it our way!

Human Design is the synthesis of a number of modern and ancient systems that are grounded in science, that provides us with

A Soul Map of YOU.

Your Date of Birth, Time of Birth and Place of Birth holds the key to tell us the exact moment that you turned from all of that magic start dust in to the human that you are today that holds all of the information about you and what you were designed to be, do and experience in this life time.

All of your desires, your strengths, your purpose, your life’s work.

You are made of all of that with the energy of stardust added to bring the perfect version of you to this Earth for this part of your souls journey. We know it sounds absolutely bonkers, yet embracing, embodying and living in your design will change your life.

You are so special! Different to absolutely every single person on this planet.

We are so glad that you have found this page as we will lead you on a magical journey of self discovery like no one else on the planet, because we too are extra special and we do it our way!

Human Design is the synthesis of a number of modern and ancient systems that are grounded in science, that provides us with

A Soul Map of YOU.

Your Birth Date, Time of Birth and place of birth holds the key to tell us the exact moment that you turned from all of that magic start dust in to the human that you are today that holds all of the information about you and what you were designed to be, do and experience in this life time.

All of your desires, your strengths, your purpose, your life’s work.

You are made of all of that with the energy of stardust added to bring the perfect version of you to this Earth for this part of your souls journey. We know it sounds absolutely bonkers, yet embracing, embodying and living in your design will change your life.

Sounds completely bonkers we know...


  • We have not yet, met one person that does not resonate with their Human Design profile.

  • There is not one person that we haven’t been able to share magic empowering information with.

  • There is not one person that has embodied their Human Design and not had some incredible changes in their life.

If you are ready to find self-acceptance, confidence, vitality, magnetism, success, abundance, clarity and all of the things that make life so much more empowered, then it is time to gift yourself some transformational time and space with us.

Sounds completely bonkers we know.


  • We have not yet, met one person that does not resonate with their Human Design profile.

  • There is not one person that we haven’t been able to share magic empowering information with.

  • There is not one person that has embodied their Human Design and not had some incredible changes in their life.

If you are ready to find self-acceptance, confidence, vitality, magnetism, success, abundance and clarity and all of the things that make life so much more empowered, then it is time to gift yourself some quality time with us.

Understanding and embodying your Human Design is a gift you will forever thank yourself for.

Human Design is the Science of the Aura. It is the Science of Differentiation.


Understand how you are designed to interact with the world.

by understanding your Type which is your Aura.


Understand how you are here to interact with life.

by understanding your Strategy and your “not self” theme. This will really help you live in an aligned way.


Understand how you are designed to make decisions.

by understanding your Authority.


Understand all of the nuances of your personality.

by understanding your Profile


Understand your foundational strengths, your blind spots and areas of potential wisdom and your absolute potential.

by understanding your Centres. You are understanding how you become influenced by other energy so that you are able to grow through your expansion where necessary.


Understand your unique wiring system that you are here to experiment with,

experience and embody for your growth and expansion but also the expansion of the evolution of humanity by understanding your Circuitry.


Understand the theme of your life.

by understanding your Incarnation Cross. If your life were a movie, this is your plotline. Your mastery, your purpose.

By integrating Human Design in to all of the work that we offer, we are really fully able to help and support you to live your best, most aligned life and your business / career. In addition help you navigate all that “life” puts in your path.

Understanding and embodying your Human Design is a gift you will forever thank yourself for.

Human Design is the Science of the Aura. It is the Science of Differentiation.


Understand how you are designed to interact with the world.

by understanding your Type which is your Aura.


Understand how you are here to interact with life.

by understanding your Strategy and your “not self” theme. This will really help you live in an aligned way.


Understand how you are designed to make decisions.

by understanding your Authority.


Understand all of the nuances of your personality.

by understanding your Profile


Understand your foundational strengths, your blind spots and areas of potential wisdom and your absolute potential.

by understanding your Centres. You are understanding how you become influenced by other energy so that you are able to grow through your expansion and your contraction where necessary.


Understand your unique wiring system that you are here to experiment with,

experience and embody for your expansion but also the expansion of the evolution of humanity by understanding your Circuitry.


Understand the theme of your life.

by understanding your Incarnation cross. If your life were a movie, this is your plotline. Your mastery, your purpose.

By integrating Human Design in to all of the work that we offer, we are really fully able to help and support you to live your best, most aligned life; your business and will help you navigate all that “life” puts in your path.

Human Design in Business

Human Design can be embodied in all areas of life and that includes business too; such as, but not limited to

  • Personal growth and transformation

  • Business planning and development

  • Family relationships and development

  • Life purpose, confidence and strategy

  • Wellbeing and purpose

  • Team performance and development

  • Recruitment and education

Human Design in Business

Human Design can be embodied in all areas of life and that includes business too ; such as, but not limited to

  • Personal growth and transformation

  • Business planning and development

  • Family relationships and development

  • Life purpose, confidence and strategy

  • Wellbeing and purpose

  • Team performance and development

  • Recruitment and education

See and know yourself on a much deeper level...

Choose from the options below or send an email to [email protected] for a custom package.

Chart + Basic Report


Human Design Chart

Know More...

This FREE Chart will give you some key information about how you were designed to be, live and experience all that life has to offer. Its is a great starting point to dip your toe in to the water to see if we are completely bonkers, or if actually there is something in all of this Human Design talk!

Believe us there is!

So, if you have your details, click through now and grab yourself your FREE starter report. Ensure you have the correct details - date, time and location of birth.

You are very welcome!

Comprehensive Report


The Book of You

Know More...

This 60 + page comprehensive report will be a real deep dive beyond the realms of the FREE report that will bring you a lot of detail around your energetic make up including your soul purpose and superpowers.

It is comprehensive and will share with you your innate superpowers; your areas for wisdom and will explain many of your characteristic traits and things that you may consider flaws or foibles, only to find out that is perfect for the way in which you were designed.

This is that step!

1:1 Session +The Book of You


60 minutes

The Book of You & Human Design Session

Know More...

60 minutes with Jules to go through your questions about your design and to find out what you want to know in this one to one session.

Jules will share more information that is beyond the information found in side your report and will give you a real insight in to how amazing you are.

These one to one sessions are eye opening; informative; bring clarity, aha moments, feelings of realisation and a permission slip to embrace the way that you were always designed to be regardless of what society has taught us!

1 : 4 Session + Report


120 mins.

Family Exploration Coaching

Know More...

120 minutes session plus up to 4 bespoke reports that you are able to download and print.

Understanding our family Human Design has been incredible for creating more peace, joy and alignment at home. For both of us, Human Design and our clients this has been invaluable to help us parent and understand our kids on a whole new level. It has meant that we have been able to give them the support as the true individuals that they are and helped them to not be shoe horned like square pegs in to round holes.

This is a special reading as you learn about each member of your family. Why there may be differences of opinions; understandings; how you do things; why one of you kicks off and why one doesn't get involved. Why your child doesn't eat their food at the table and why they may not like change. Its all there in the design.

Once you have had this reading you will be able to proactively navigate life's curveballs more intentionally and start to find joy when before may have been frustration and conflict.

Online Embodiment Journey


9 months

Know More...

Understanding your Human Design and truly living and embodying it are worlds apart.

As part of our BETA Accreditation Journey we have taken our learners through the embodiment process and it has been nothing short of phenomenal.

Expansion, personal and professional growth have gone hand in hand with this embodiment process.

If you have learnt the mechanics of Human Design and now want to take yourself through the embodiment journey, through embodiment practices, audios and videos with Claire, then this may be the solution for you.

This is a 9 month programme with one group monthly Q and A call per month where you can come and ask any questions or share experiences you may have had or are having.

This journey comes with 9 beautifully hand blended essential oils to support the embodiment process. The Embodiment Collection will help you on your journey.

We are opening a waiting list so that we are able to let you know once we are ready to launch.



12-months learning and development programme

Know More...

We know the power of Human Design and it is the lining paper of the cake tin for all of the work that we do both in business and with individuals. It provides a clear foundation from which to build.

We see how incredible it is bringing it in to the world of education and how many children and families will benefit from embracing the power of individuality.

The missed opportunities of employers all over the world who are literally sitting on untapped magic beyond the CV's and Resume's of their work forces.

We are about to launch our accreditation Space and Freedom by Design following our successful Beta round.

We are thrilled that our Beta Belters are beyond Human Design readers. They are pioneering change in this world through the lens of the 8 pillars of holistic wellbeing in the world of education; social work; hospitality; corporate; recruitment; family coaching and more.

If you want to be a Human Design "reader" this is not for you.

If you are ready to change your life and those with whom you live and work then join our waiting list now and arrange a call to see if we are for you and visa versa!

Sharing Our Own Human Design Experience

I'm Jules

5/1 Emotional Manifesting Generator

Full defined except in the G centre and an absolute true MG, multi passionate and able to have lots of plates spinning. I have an in built ability to allow people to be seen and hard. To bring clarity from chaos and see the purpose in everyone and the direction in which they need to go to reach that! Thats why I am Your Human Compass®

I'm Claire

3/5 Sacral Generator

I have all the energy in the world s long s I am lit up by what I am doing or being! I am tuned in to my sacral to such an extent that I only do those things when I feel called or when I am lit up!

I find inspiration and clarity from being amongst all that life has to offer and I live in my 3 energy to the Max! Trying out new experiences and having a go as this is how I learn. I'm so passionate about Human Design and the journey we are all on with it. I lead on the Embodiment practices in Space and Freedom® by design Accreditation.

Sharing Our Own Human Design Experience

I'm Jules

5/1 Emotional Manifesting Generator

Full defined except in the G centre and an absolute true MG, multi passionate and able to have lots of plates spinning. I have an in built ability to allow people to be seen and hard. To bring clarity from chaos and see the purpose in everyone and the direction in which they need to go to reach that! Thats why I am Your Human Compass®

I'm Claire

3/5 Sacral Generator

I have all the energy in the world s long s I am lit up by what I am doing or being! I am tuned in to my sacral to such an extent that I only do those things when I feel called or when I am lit up!

I find inspiration and clarity from being amongst all that life has to offer and I live in my 3 energy to the Max! Trying out new experiences and having a go as this is how I learn. I'm so passionate about Human Design and the journey we are all on with it. I lead on the Embodiment practices in Space and Freedom® by design Accreditation.

See and know yourself on a much deeper level...

Choose from the options below or send an email to [email protected] for a custom package.

Chart + Basic Report


Human Design Chart

Know More...

This FREE Chart will give you some key information about how you were designed to be, live and experience all that life has to offer. Its is a great starting point to dip your toe in to the water to see if we are completely bonkers, or if actually there is something in all of this Human Design talk! Believe us there is!

So, if you have your details, click through now and grab yourself your FREE starter report. Ensure that you have the correct time, location and date of birth. If you unsure of these details, particularly time, email us and we can help you source the information.

You are very welcome!

Comprehensive Report


The Book of You

Know More...

This 60 + page comprehensive report will be a real deep dive beyond the realms of the FREE report that will bring you a lot of detail around your energetic make up including your soul purpose and superpowers.

It is a comprehensive and will share with you you innate superpowers; your areas for wisdom and will explain many of your characteristic traits an things that you may consider flaws or foibles, only to find out that is perfect for the way in which you were designed.

This is that step!

1:1 Session + Comprehensive Report


60 minutes

The Book of You & Human Design Session

Know More...

60 minutes with Jules to go through your questions about your design and to find out what you want to know in this one to one session. Jules will share more information that is beyond the information found in side your report and will give you a real insight in to how amazing you are.

These one to one sessions are eye opening; informative; bring clarity, aha moments, feelings of realisation and a permission slip to embrace the way that you were always designed to be regardless of what society has taught us!

1 : 4 Session + Reports


120 mins.

Family Exploration Session

Know More...

120 minutes plus up to 4 bespoke report that you are able to download and print.Understanding our family Human Design has been incredible for creating more peace, joy and alignment at home.

For both of us and our clients, Human Design has been invaluable to help us parent and understand our kids on a whole new level.

It has meant that we have been able to give them the support as the true individuals that they are and helped them to not be shoe horned like square pegs in to round holes.

This is a special reading as you learn about each member of your family.

Why there may be differences of opinions; understandings; how you do things; why one of you kicks off and why one doesn't get involved. Why your child doesn't eat their food at the table and why they may not like change. Its all there in the design.

Once you have had this session you will be able to proactively navigate life's curveballs more intentionally and start to find joy when before may have been frustration and conflict.

Online Embodiment Journey


9 month Programme

Know More...

Understanding your Human Design and truly living and embodying it are worlds apart.

As part of our BETA Accreditation Journey we have taken our learners through the embodiment process and it has been nothing short of phenomenal.

Expansion, personal and professional growth have gone hand in hand with this embodiment process.

If you have learnt the mechanics of Human Design and now want to take yourself through the embodiment journey, through embodiment practices, audios and videos with Claire, then this may be the solution for you.

This is a 9 month programme with one group monthly Q and A call per month where you can come and ask any questions or share experiences you may have had or are having.

This journey comes with 9 beautifully hand blended essential oils to support the embodiment process. The Embodiment Collection will help you on your journey.

We are opening a waiting list so that we are able to let you know once we are ready to launch.




Human Design Accreditation

12 month learning and development programme

Know More...

We know the power of Human Design and it is the lining paper of the cake tin for all of the work that we do both in business and with individuals. It provides a clear foundation from which to build.

We see how incredible bringing it in to the world of education is and how many children and families will benefit from embracing the power of individuality.

The missed opportunities of employers all over the world who are literally sitting on untapped magic beyond the CV's of their work forces.

We are about to launch our accreditation Space and Freedom by Design following our successful Beta round.

We are thrilled that our Beta Belters are beyond Human Design readers. They are pioneering change in this world through the lens of the 8 pillars of holistic wellbeing in the world of education; social work; hospitality; corporate; recruitment; family coaching and more.

If you want to be a Human Design "reader" this is not for you.

If you are ready to change your life and those with whom you live and work then join our waiting list now and arrange a call to see if we are for you and visa versa!

Success Stories

Discover your Unique BLUEPRINT

Working with Jules through my Human Design I finally feel like I have some understanding of it. I have attempted to learn this method twice before and it just didn’t stick. However when Jules went over my Human Design Chart with me in great detail and explained it was actually so profoundly beautiful. I finally understood it, learning more about myself, Jules explained reasons and answers to why I am the way I am. Her knowledge of Human Design and people is impressive! I learnt about my strengths and weaknesses and she gently highlighted patterns of myself and advised me how to overcome certain things in life that do not light me up and accentuate the areas I should concentrate on that do actually light me up. By Jules guiding me to lean into my strengths for life skills and business purposes this information is essential. In fact for me personally Jules really got my attention when she explained about the soul details and my soul’s purpose and confirmation of this was just spot on for me.

I honestly cannot recommend Jules enough for Human Design; she was born for this role! A Human Design chart reading is such an incredible tool of knowledge to have in life. Something we all need,and the fact that you can go back to and look at it time and time again is ace understanding more about yourself. At the end of the session with Jules I told her that she had just summed me up perfectly in a nutshell! How did she do that!?! Well simply Human Design knowledge and expertise.

If anybody is thinking about looking into getting their Human Design I honestly cannot recommend Jules Kelly enough, seriously she is a powerhouse of information and has an addictive personality, her compassionate upbeat energy is genuine and infectious. Jules has walked the walk with life and so her genuine passion to guide and help you find yourself is like no other! I have worked with Jules numerous times and find her personality addictive and of course advice very good for my soul. She has been my go to Consultant for so many things. I am truly grateful and thankful that Jules came into my life when she did and will be forever grateful for her amazing genuine knowledge. Thank you Thank you Thank you Jules Kelly you are a legend!

Vickie Moore

Holistic Transformation Mentor

Success Stories

Discover your Unique BLUEPRINT

Working with Jules through my Human Design I finally feel like I have some understanding of it. I have attempted to learn this method twice before and it just didn’t stick. However when Jules went over my Human Design Chart with me in great detail and explained it was actually so profoundly beautiful. I finally understood it, learning more about myself, Jules explained reasons and answers to why I am the way I am. Her knowledge of Human Design and people is impressive! I learnt about my strengths and weaknesses and she gently highlighted patterns of myself and advised me how to overcome certain things in life that do not light me up and accentuate the areas I should concentrate on that do actually light me up. By Jules guiding me to lean into my strengths for life skills and business purposes this information is essential. In fact for me personally Jules really got my attention when she explained about the soul details and my soul’s purpose and confirmation of this was just spot on for me.

I honestly cannot recommend Jules enough for Human Design; she was born for this role! A Human Design chart reading is such an incredible tool of knowledge to have in life. Something we all need,and the fact that you can go back to and look at it time and time again is ace understanding more about yourself. At the end of the session with Jules I told her that she had just summed me up perfectly in a nutshell! How did she do that!?! Well simply Human Design knowledge and expertise.

If anybody is thinking about looking into getting their Human Design I honestly cannot recommend Jules Kelly enough, seriously she is a powerhouse of information and has an addictive personality, her compassionate upbeat energy is genuine and infectious. Jules has walked the walk with life and so her genuine passion to guide and help you find yourself is like no other! I have worked with Jules numerous times and find her personality addictive and of course advice very good for my soul. She has been my go to Consultant for so many things. I am truly grateful and thankful that Jules came into my life when she did and will be forever grateful for her amazing genuine knowledge. Thank you Thank you Thank you Jules Kelly you are a legend!

Vickie Moore

Holistic Transformation Mentor

© 2024 Space and Freedom - All Rights Reserved

© 2024 Space and Freedom - All Rights Reserved